「微電影世界直通車計劃」這次與北京央視微電影頻道合作,將進行「大陸三影展直通車聯合報名」,包括:2015亞洲國際青少年微電影節+ 第三屆中國(杭州)國際微電影展+中國好萊塢微電影節(7/24台灣推薦報名截止)
1. 中華民國微電影協會針對此活動,只有作品之推薦權,相關活動辦法與規定仍以主辦方之相關規定為主。
2. 八月微電影期間會帶領入團團隊代表前往北京考察活動情況,並於會後分享活動報導與觀察。
3. 協會會進行推薦報名,參加者可以在7/24前把報名文件寄到協會(台北市大安區復興南路二段45號3樓 中華民國微電影協會收,信封請註明:參加「亞洲國國青少年微電影節」,同時並以mail方式告知, service@micromovie.org.tw
4. 關於章節第11條「2. 自微电影报名成功之日起,授权未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节组委会对其报名微电影作品享永久免费使用的权利,并可在微电影频道及微电影频道授权的其他平台上传并永久免费使用、播放(用于宣传推广)。」之規定 ,經與主辦方溝通協調與爭取,協會幫大家爭取到兩種配合方式,一種是活動期間的展映授權,另一種是一年期免費使用、播放,大家可以依據你作品的情況使用不同的版權授權書。
5. 活動網站 http://cctvwdy.cntv.cn/aiysffs/index.shtml
中華民國微電影協會祕書長 賴麗雪 敬上 7/11
協會活動客服信箱 service@micromovie.org.tw

在藝術形象蓬勃發展的今天,在信息技術高度發展的時代,只需一台攝影機,一個夢想,一點創意,就可以用影像來展示這個豐富多彩的世界。亞洲國際青少年微電影節作品評選及展映活動主要面向亞 洲48個國家與地區的電影藝術愛好者。作品提交通道向全亞洲各個國家和地區開放,接受影視相關機構選送的多類型、多题材微電影作品,微電影節將邀請國内外電影專家組成評選委員會,對入圍决赛的微電影進行評選。最佳影片、最佳導演等多項大獎等你來拿!
最佳影片 評委會大獎
最佳導演 最佳男演員
最佳女演員 最佳編劇
最佳攝影 最佳剪輯
最佳動畫微電影 最佳記錄微電影
最佳國家(含城市)形象片 最具創意國家(含城市)形象片
亚洲国际青少年微电影节作品评选及展映 章程
The Selection and Screening Articles of
Asia International Youth short-Film Festival
Article 1
These Articles are applied to the selection and screening relevant parties of
2015 Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival (AIYSFF).
Article 2
2015 Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival is approved and guided by the State Administration of Press Publication, Radio, Film and Television and the Ministry of Culture of People’s Republic of China, and is hosted by the Chinese Culture Promotion Society, the CCTV Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio. AIYSFF is organized by the Future Vision – Asia International Youth Organizing Committee and the CITIC Guo’an culture Media Co., and is co-organized by the Central New Short-Film Channel and the CCTV Short-Film Channel. It is an Asian regional international Short-Film Festival, in which, the main creator is the youth, the artistic form is the short film, and the development direction is youth, branding, industrialization, and internationalization. AIYSFF is committed to provide a developing space and environment for the international cooperation, exchange and development of Chinese short films.
Article 3
AIYSFF will accept the works to attend the selection and screening units, which are from different countries and regions in Asia, and which are recommended by the main organizers from major Asian film festivals, or relative agencies. Each country or region only can recommend five or less than five works, except the promotional film. The works should be produced after 1st of January 2014, and no longer than 45 minutes.
Article 4
AIYSFF has also set up a “national and regional (city) promotional film section” , and the selected promotional films will be evaluated.
Article 5
AIYSFF will invite film experts to constitute the jury, to evaluate the works entering into the final competition. The final results will be announced at the award ceremony.
The jury will decide the following awards:
最佳影片 评委会大奖
最佳导演 最佳男演员
最佳女演员 最佳编剧
最佳摄影 最佳剪辑
最佳动画微电影 最佳纪录微电影
最佳国家(含城市)形象片 最具创意国家(含城市)形象片
Best Film the Grand Jury Prize
Best Director Best Actor
Best Actress Best Screenplay
Best Cinematography Best Editing
Best Animation Short-Film Best Documentary Short-Film
Best National Promotional Film The Most Creative National Promotional Film
Article 6
Selected works will be broadcast in the Central New Short-Film Channel, the CCTV Short-Film Channel and other mainstream media platform.
Article 7
1. 参赛影片需通过微电影节官方网站www.cctvwdy.com和cctvwdy.cntv.cn下载报名表及授权书,将填好后的报名表及导演照片一张和参赛作品高清剧照3张发至cctvwdy_jgh@163.com,并授权组委会将照片及剧照用于微电影节展映单元的宣传。同时,报名者需将授权书打印并签字确认,连同高清版影片数据光盘一起寄至组委会办公室(截止日期2015年7月20日)。
Selected works should finish the Registration Form and the Authorization, which can be downloaded from www.cctvwdy.comor cctvwdy.cntv.cn. Every selected work should send the completed registration form, a director photograph, and three high definition stills to cctvwdy_jgh@163.com. Every selected work also should authorize the Organizing Committee that has the rights to use the photos and stills to promote in the screening unit of AIYSFF. At the same time, the applicants should print the Authorization, read, sign, and send it to the office of the Organizing Committee, with the high definition digital disk of the work. (the deadline is 20th July,2015)
剧照/海报具体尺寸及要求Specific requirements for posters/stills:
位置Location | 尺寸Size |
首页焦点Home Focus | 1680*504 |
竖版剧照/海报 Vertical Posters/Stills | 770*1080 |
横版剧照/海报 Horizontal Posters/ Stills | 1920*1080 |
2. 报名的微电影作品必须是作者原创,要求画面清晰,建议技术参数如下:

地 址:北京市西城区天桥南大街1号天桥艺术大厦B座302
邮 编:100050
电 话:+86-10-63181857转310
Please send your work to:
Contact Person: Wenli Liu
Address: 3 Floor Tower B, Tianqiao Art Building No.1 South Street Tianqiao,
Xicheng District, Beijing
Telephone: +86-10-63181857/310
Article 8
1. 非中英文双语字幕的微电影,送片方必需提供配有中英文字幕
Selected works should be submitted with subtitles of both English and Chinese.
2. 所有的申请文件,包括DVD将不会返还给报名者,请务必在寄送之前做好备份。
All application materials, including DVD will not be returned. Please save the copy before sending the application documents.
3. 报名者一旦正式确认接受亚洲国际青少年微电影节组委会邀请,即不得以任何理由擅自撤回已入选未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节展映单元参赛或参展的微电影。
Once applicants send your works to Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival, you are no longer permitted to withdrawal the selected works.
4. 参赛作品将同时参加第三届中国(杭州)国际微电影展(10月)、中国好莱坞微电影节(好莱坞中国大剧院,8月)的评选活动。
The selected works will be directly elected to The 3rd China (Hangzhou) International Short-Film Exhibition (October, Hangzhou) and China Hollywood Short-Film Festival (August, Los Angeles).
Article 9
The organizing committee will invite the relevant staffs of the shortlisted films to participate in Short-Film Festival activates.
Article 10
1. 参赛影片所有的报名资料,包括故事梗概、照片、剧照等,将会被刊登在未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节会刊或相关的宣传资料中,包括但不限于未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节官方网站和会刊。
All the application materials including story summary, posters and stills of the shooting process will not only share in the promotional materials of The Short-Film Festival, but also other purposes such as AIYSFF websites and publication.
2. 选送方及报名者本人将对所有报名资料的真实性和微电影的原创性负责,并确保报名表中的信息真实有效。
Selectors must guarantee the reality and originality of the film. Ensure all information in the registration form is real.
3. 如由此引发的任何侵权事件发生,组委会不承担任何责任。同时如因参赛影片引起的侵权事件及其他纠纷而给未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节造成不良影响的,影片的制作方及提供方应采取一切手段消除影响。
Works selectors will take full responsibility for the tort of selected works, and bear the total loss to the organizing committee due to the related issue.
Article 11
1. 所有入围作品都将在未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节的官方网站上公布。
The evaluate results will be released on the CCTV Short-Film Channel
(URL:www.cctvwdy.com /cctvwdy.cntv.cn).
2. 自微电影报名成功之日起,授权未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节组委会对其报名微电影作品享永久免费使用的权利,并可在微电影频道及微电影频道授权的其他平台上传并永久免费使用、播放(用于宣传推广)。
The Articles will go into effect on the day of the Registration Form and the selected works were sending, and at the same time the organizing committee will have the right to screen/shown the works in the Central New Short-Film Channel and the CCTV Short-Film Channel and other media platform (for promotional purposes).
3. 选送方及报名者同意授权组委会剪辑其作品,用于制作未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节展映单元宣传片,对外播放。
Selectors allow the organizers to edit/screen/show the selected works for promotional purposes.
Article 12
Works selectors will take full responsibility to the copyright of the relevant material(including music)used in the selected works,.
Article 13
Once send your works to Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival means you accept these Articles. Countries, entities, agencies and other organizers should guarantee the copyright of the selected works is totally legal, otherwise the full responsibility should be undertaken by the countries, entities, agencies and other organizers.
Article 14
The right of final interpretation of The Articles is reserved by Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival.
Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival Organizing Committee
2015 Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival Registration Form
作品名称 Name | 作品类别 Category | |||
影片语言 Language | 片长 Length | |||
作品完成日期 Produce Date | 选送单位 Select Entity | |||
影片简介 (200字左右)Synopsis (up to 200 English words) | ||||
导演 Director | 编剧 Screenplay | |||
摄影师 Cinematographer | 剪辑师 Editor | |||
男主角 Actor | 女主角 Actress | |||
主创团队联络方式 | ||||
移动电话 Mobile | 固定电话 Telephone | |||
QQ/微信 QQ/We Chat | 邮箱 Email | |||
联系地址 Address | ||||
作品递交方式/ Please send your work to: | ||||
亚洲国际青少年微电影节组委会评奖办公室 联系人:刘文利 地 址:北京市西城区天桥南大街1号天桥艺术大厦B座302 邮 编:100050 电子邮箱:cctvwdy_jgh@163.com 百度云盘:cctvwdy_jgh@163.com 电 话:+86-10-63181857转310 +86-10-63181867转310 Contact Person: Wenli Liu Email: cctvwdy_jgh@163.com Address: 3 Floor Tower B, Tianqiao Art Building No.1 South Street Tianqiao, Xicheng District, Beijing Telephone: +86-10-63181857/310 +86-10-63181867/310 | ||||
参赛作品内容、版权及有关问题说明 | ||||
版权授权承诺书 Copyright Authorization 本单位/本人就授权给未来影像——亚洲国际青少年微电影节及央视微电影频道的参评作品(以下简称“授权作品”)的版权和内容承诺如下: Our entity / I will authorize(s) the host of Future Vision – Asia International Youth Short-Film Festival and the CCTV Short-Film Channel (URL:www.cctvwdy.com and cctvwdy.cntv.cn ) participating work (hereinafter referred to as “copyrighted work”), and make a promise on the copyright and content as following: 1. 本单位/人保证具有签署本承诺书并履行相应义务的权利和授权。 Our entity/ I guarantee(s) to have the right and ability to sign this authorization and to fulfill the corresponding obligations. 2. 本单位/人保证对授权作品拥有完整独立著作权、版权、邻接权及信息网络传播权及转授权,拥有授权给主办方永久免费使用授权作品的权利,并同意将作品在央视微电影频道及微电影频道授权的其他平台上传并永久免费使用、播放(用于宣传推广)。 Our entity/ I guarantee(s) that the authorization work has complete independent copyright, neighboring rights and network dissemination of information and sub-license. We also have the right to authorize organizers to free use copyrighted work and agree with the work uploading, using, playing and promoting for free via organizers and sponsors in other media platforms(for promotional purposes) . 3. 本单位/人保证所有授权作品的版权和内容符合主办方要求,并根据主办方要求提供授权作品的各类版权证明文件,主办方对版权证明文件的审核行为不减免我单位/人的任何责任。 Our entity/ I guarantee(s) all the authorized works copyright and content is in accordance with organizer’s regulations and requests, and the provided documentary evidences of the authorized works are in accordance to organizer’s requirements. Our entity/ I will guarantee(s) the validity of the copyright of this work. 4. 本单位/人保证所有授权作品的版权和内容不会违反任何法律法规、不会侵犯任何第三方的版权及其他合法权利,对由于授权作品的内容或权利瑕疵引发的争议或权利纠纷承担全部法律责任,并承担由此给主办方及相关单位/个人造成的全部损失。 Our entity/ I guarantee(s) all the authorized works copyright and content will not disobey any law and regulation, and also not infringe any third party’s copyright and other legal rights. The entity/I will take full responsibility for controversy which is caused by the content or defect of right or right dispute. The entity/I will also bear the total loss to the sponsor and concerned entity/ person due to the related issue. 5. 本单位/人保证所有授权作品的相关作品及作者信息真实有效,并在发生版权纠纷时及时提交上述信息。 Our entity/ I guarantee(s) the validity and originality of concerned works of all authorized works and author’s information. 6. 本承诺书附件:著作权人的身份证明,包括身份证、营业执照等有效证件的复印件。This letter of commitment includes attachments of: copyright owner identification, which will include a copy of ID, business licenses and/or other valid documentations should be provided. 7. 本次参赛作品将同时入选第三届中国(杭州)国际微电影展(10月)、中国好莱坞微电影节(8月)的评选活动。 Selected works will be directly elected to The 3rd China (Hangzhou) International Short-Film Exhibition (October, Hangzhou) and China Hollywood Short-Film Festival (August, Los Angeles). 特此承诺! Hereby promise! 承诺单位/人: (盖章/签字): Commitment entity/person: (Stamp/Signature ) : 电 话/ Tel: 地 址/Address: 签署日期/Date: | ||||
